When a girl is not physically attractive to me, (mainly face wise, if not completely) I cannot even consider a relationship, whether I like her personality and intelligence or not. I know it's shallow, and wrong, and I hate it, I hate myself for it. I've tried convincing myself to get over it and I can't. What's worse, I don't think i'm attractive (I've been called average usually, but I disagree), so it's hypocritical of me.
Also, there's currently a girl that likes me, who I don't find attractive. I do spend time with her, and I'm lucky we consider each other friends, but I can't see her that way (and it's not just a brotherly feeling, I just met her, so that's not an excuse.) I wouldn't be able to lie to her, and tell her how beautiful she is, like a good boyfriend would (though he probably wouldn't be lying when he said it). To be honest, I don't think I deserve her because of this, if I could convince myself to seriously consider it.
Normally everyone considers me a good, well mannered person, but I disgust myself in this.
Anyway, does all this make me a bad person? And what should I do about this girl?