Anyone else remember being a teenager and that feeling you would get when you saw that girl or guy you totally fancied?
Someone I totally had a crush on just added me on facebook, and I had forgotten just how much an impact she used to have on me.
It was as though each time I saw her in the corridor at school I'd get this total feeling of excitement, dizzyness, and a form of paralysis ... it used to be overwhelming.
Nothing ever happened. I was far too shy back then, and she was also a few year older than me, but I remember of all the crushes I have had, none were quite like that one.
Now, thinking back, I can't remember the last time I felt anything like that. I have fallen for people instantly, but still, it's been different. I guess it's all part of getting older, but even now when I meet girls I really like, it's very different, and probably a good thing too! I really would be hopeless if I still acted as though I had been stunned each time a girl I liked came near.
From a nostalgic point of view it would be nice to get that kind of feeling again; from a practical point of view, it probably wouldn't do me any favours. I guess hormones had a lot to do with it too ... definitely had a lot to do with it.
Well, she looks totally different now, and I don't fancy her in the slightest. Almost spoils the memory of my crush on her ... still, I shall keep it alive in my mind and in my memories.
What about your teenage crushes?