The guy I'm with is going through a divorce, I imagine things are tough when you're doing something like that, but I wouldn't know, I'm only 22, and I've never been married. He's six years older than I am, ex-Army, a very straight-forward kind of guy. So I thought.
We've had a lot of trust issues, or rather, I'VE had a lot of trust issues, but he finally had me convinced that it was just my mind running loose, and that nothing I thought was going on was going on.
Now, I think I'm right. & have been the whole time.
A couple weekends ago we went camping a few hours north of us. It was beautiful, we were right on Lake Michigan, the beach was a two minute walk away. I had so much fun, he even bought me my own snorkeling gear so that I could snorkel with him in the lake. To me, the trip was romantic, fun, and all around something I can't wait to repeat.
I found out a couple days later that he had written his ex-wife a message saying that all he could think of this last weekend was how much she would have loved it up there, and how he wished she was there. I should mention that he doesn't want to be getting the divorce. I've tried to get over all the text messages and things where he's trying to convince her that he can fix things, and they're making a mistake.
At one point in our ''relationship'', the one he won't acknowledge or define in the least, I thought there was this other girl, Brittany. He said they're just friends..well I have lots of guy friends, and none of them take me out to dinner or call me beautiful. Just saying. He went out with Brittany, but told me that there was a whole group of people present, it wasn't just the two of them. I know differently, they went out to dinner, and then met up with some of her friends. At one point, because he was texting me almost the whole night, and had me meet him at his apartment when he got home, I thought I had reasonable cause to believe him.
He says I never give him the benefit of the doubt. So, I worked very hard on that. I think I've done an admirable job.
Last night he faked his best friend getting arrested and needing to be bailed out of jail..he left at 10p, came home at 1a. Even sent me a text while he was gone saying that it was so funny to see all the people in the jail that his friend was with. But, I know his friend didn't go to jail last night, there are a lot of things that don't add up, number one being that the jail has no record of his friend's arrest.
I find myself asking what I did to deserve the lies and the sneakiness. I know, I did a terrible job of not trusting him at first. But I do trust him, and I have been giving him the benefit of the doubt...only to be proven wrong, or right..that one I can't figure out.
I started taking a bigger notice when there was a change in US. It's like he doesn't want me anymore, is losing his attraction for me, or something.
This morning he had a text from his ex-wife saying that she thinks they should change their Facebook relationship statuses to 'It's Complicated.' I think they're sleeping together. He has insisted to me multiple times that they are still in fact getting a divorce, that he wouldn't get back together with her, etc.
I'm not sure anyone on here will have any advice for me, except to leave him. That's the last thing I want to do, I'm sure some of you understand.
This hurts, and I've been played before and thought it hurt.