My long drawn out break up story continues. It'll be four months at the end of this month since we broke up. He readily admits that he loves me and cares about me still. He also states that he is still very much on the fence about what he wants and the decision that was made. He also admits that he hasn't really talked about what happened to anyone. Which I find incredibly do you not talk about something so important like a break up with friends (a relationship that was almost 4 years long). Anyway today we hung out briefly because I had an emergency with my dog and he went with me. She's fine, but it was awkward. He barely looked at me the entire time. On the way there he said maybe 3 or 4 sentences to me. When we were waiting on the vet he started to relax and communicate more but he still barely looked at me. On the way back the conversation was much better, normal almost. But still...very little eye contact. When we got back to my place he left almost instantly and gave me an awkward sideways hug and I said I could walk him out. He then proceeded to give me another awkward 2 to 4 second hug. He was like..well have a good week. Then started to walk away, and I you just give me a better hug then that? He was like..ffinne....then gave me another hug that was better but probably only 5 seconds or so. Still no eye contact. He left....not saying anything. I'm so over his drama, but I'm still clearly in love with the guy. And if I didn't think/know that he loved me still I would think it'd be a hell of a lot easier to move on. But the fact of the matter is that I know he still has feelings for me and I clearly have feelings for I'm stuck...still. Even when I'm trying to move on by going on dates. I just don't enjoy their company and can't help compare EVERYTHING the guys that I've been on dates with do to him. the original question...what does the no eye contact/barely talking mean? We talk at least once a week normally....and he said he wasn't mad. (He did have to drive an hour to go with me)
PS. I should also mention that he split the vet visit bill with me. Which I told him he didn't have to...but he insisted.