I'm not quite sure how to fit a year's worth of craziness into a couple of paragraphs. But here is the bottom line.
I was in a serious relationship for 3 years. But I decided to end it, and I have not had such a serious relationship before so I was not sure how to cope. Because I'm the kind of girl who gets along better with guys, my boyfriend was my best friend and virtually my only friend. I didn't (nor have I really ever) have any close girl friends that I hung out with.
So along comes another guy friend. We've known each other, but were never close. He offers to help tutor me for a class that I wasn't doing so well in. Then one thing leads to another and we end up kind of dating. I say kind of because nothing official ever came out of it. And we date for about a year. But during this entire year, I never really got over my first boyfriend. And as you can imagine, this creates a lot of problems and I created a lot of lies to try and "solve" or temporarily mend things. I say that I lied because I wanted to protect their feelings. But I obviously know now, that it really only hurt EVERYONE in the end A LOT.
Regardless, the dating ended and I messed up big time. But the amazing thing is that the wonderful guy who was my first boyfriend, for some reason incomprehensible to man, is giving me another chance.
Should I take it? Is it even possible to go back into a relationship after so much damage has been done? He doesn't trust me, but is it worth it to try and rebuild all the trust that was lost?
I don't know what to do.