Very well said..
You fail to comprehend that most of the crap that we pull is done sub-concsiously. Learn to say NO when it's in your own best interests.
indeed.The Good Guy - Strong and confident enough to be respectful and caring and man enough to go against the grain when necessary.
“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion
You realize it after the fact though, right? So can't you learn from that? I don't know, I can get a bit annoyed when girls say stuff just to test us. For the record, I do say no when it's in my best interests. I'm a fairly nice guy even so. I mean, you don't see guys saying stuff to test the femininity of a girl do you?
'People are never perfect but love can be. People waste time looking for the perfect lover rather than creating the perfect love' - Princess Leigh-Cheri from Still Life With Woodpecker.
dont assume yourself as unlucky...god might still looking good pair for you with the same character as you are?.....sure you will get good girl but patience is important.....
It seems most guys who aren't up to par a man use the word nice as a cop out to other crap. Like opening the door for everybody isn't being nice it an invitation to being walked all over. Holding the door for the person behind you is being nice. Doing everything a women says isn't being nice. I bet when women talk to you about doing something they stay stuff like. We are doing.... fill in crappy thing you don't want to do here. Instead of you know asking.
That's a problem I see all the time.
Women says "Get ready we are going to the movies tonight"
"Nice" guy response. Yes.
My normal response. No.
Why would I say no to going to a movie? That's just retarded. She didn't ask me she told me. Sorry the last time somebody told me what to do is when I was a child.
That is a huge problem for "Nice" guys getting told what to do and have no balls to change that.
Getting over a broken heart is like being on shrooms. -MaidenMinx
If a girl invited me to the movies, I'd ask what movie she wanted to see. If we could agree on a movie we both liked, why the hell would I say no?
Saying you'll do something with her that you hate, well.. on occassion, sure; but only because it's a two way street. She should too. Try new things both people perhaps aren't huge fans of but just for the other person.
i dont think being told hey we are gonna go do this or that means nice guy lol. i think its more, asking a woman stuff all time and doing things for her all time. not voicing your concern for anything i think has alot to do with it.
Guy always asking you want me to do this or that, let me get that for ya, can we have this or do that.
nice is always trying above and byond all the time, its like here if i do this this and this she will think im nice and like or love me. someson gonna like you for the way they 1st saw ya. flowers all the time, calling all the time, running after her all the time id prob get tired of the nice stuff afterawhile also.
exaple female friend called me 4th of july and said what are you doing, i said nothing. next she said im in one of them moods and want dinner your going with me...i went, enjoyed my free meal, free beer and free ride there. i said thanks and that was night....few hours later she saying she misses hangin with me and i know the real reason.
**** it, dont be nice, do for you and no one else unless your in love with them but dont over do it, thats the real problem of nice, over doing it
Last edited by oldskool83; 09-07-11 at 03:06 AM.
Being told we are going to the movies and being asked want to go to the movies are two different things. A lot of nice guys get told and assume she was asking/inviting. Trying new things and doing stuff your women wants isn't bad.
Not having the balls to stand up against being told what to do is. People miss that small point
We are going to the movies. you agree to this your a wuss plain and simple
Let's go to the movies. you agree to this well you want to see a movie
It's one stupid thing "nice" guys fall for in their whole list of being nutless.
Last edited by DannyH; 09-07-11 at 03:04 AM.
Getting over a broken heart is like being on shrooms. -MaidenMinx
Really at the end of the day "nice" guys treat women like their mother. Asking women basically for permission to do stuff. Asking what they want to do. Trying to get a women's approval on stuff. Getting told what to do.
Getting over a broken heart is like being on shrooms. -MaidenMinx
As a fellow nice guy, I have to agree. I have become more assertive, or decisive, lately. It seems, I may be wrong, that many women find being liberated is not a great fit for their personality, and are happy to let the man make more decisions.
If I ask a woman where she wants to go on a date, and she says "I don't know" that means I decide. She doesn't get to change her mind. On a first date I say "We are going to restaurant X for dinner. " It's not a question, it's a statement. That's my personality. If she has a problem with it, she must speak up. And some have spoken up, mostly only to ask if they can get a salad there.
In the sex department, it's all ok unless she says "no". So it's not "Want to go to the bedroom?" It's "You won't be needing these pants." They seem to like it anyway. And sometimes I get more playful and say "Clothes. Off. Now." lol.
And if we are not compatible in the bedroom, then I don't try to change them, I move on.
EDIT: Don't get me wrong just from the above post. I really am a nice guy and many women have told me so. But I do have my playful and assertive sides. And you might be surprised what turns on some women. I know I was. And a lot of them really do like assertive men. I get the door for them, I help carry groceries, no questions asked. I help with dinner, set the table, fix things in their apartment, etc. We work together as a team.
Last edited by bulrush; 09-07-11 at 04:07 AM.
I have a long time interest in psychology, specializing in relationship dynamics for 30 years.
(Please note, we give the best advice we can based on the information given in a post. For better advice, please include the age of all romantic partners.)