May I ask how old your daughter is?
I am irrationally insecure also and my husband didn't help that by fibbing to me early on in the relationship. He was also full time hospitality at the time and his night finishing after midnight was not uncommon so there were many nights of me sitting awake til the wee hours wondering if he really was at work or not.
This has taken a lot of work from both of us to get over. I have had to accept that my insecurity is based in an irrational belief that everyone will find a reason to leave me eventually. This belief was not so irrational as a child and I am still trying to stop it from taking over my life. Each day I am a little better.
My husband has also had to accept that working 80 hours a week is not a rational thing for a man with a wife and an autistic son to do. He's found himself a nice office job during the day but also works a few nights a week in a friends restaurant simply because he loves hospitality. This restaurant is much quieter than a lot of the restaurants he has worked at so even on NYE he is home by midnight. We've finally found a balance that works for us. It wasn't easy. The first 4 years we were together we fought a lot, often when drunk and often rather horribly. We've not had a major blow up at each other in 2 years. We still have disagreements but we discuss them now rather than wait til we're drunk and abuse each other at 2 am.
You can get through it. It takes a lot of work, but you will get there.
'People are never perfect but love can be. People waste time looking for the perfect lover rather than creating the perfect love' - Princess Leigh-Cheri from Still Life With Woodpecker.