I feel pathetic. It's been nearly a month and a half since the break-up, and while I've made significant progress since then, there are still moments when I really just can't handle the pain. I'm going to be ok. Everyone tells me so, people go through this shit every day, far worse things could happen, I live an incredibly blessed life regardless, etc. I know all this. I really do. But I can't seem to make myself believe it. I'm ready to be ready to move on. I'm ready to not feel completely devastated every morning when I wake up. I'm ready to not waste half my day getting myself together, coaching myself into being happy, trying to force the positive thinking to stick. I know that worse things can and have happened. But right now, I can't get past this.
I don't really think there's any new advice anyone can give me other than to keep going, stay productive, focus on myself and moving on. The same old same old. I guess I just wanted to vent. Because it's far better spilling worthless thoughts onto an anonymous blog than other things possibly detrimental to my emotional health. Pardon my rambling, monsieurs et madames. C'est car il me manque chaque jour.