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Thread: Help me,my heart is broken!!! i just wanna die right now!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Help me,my heart is broken!!! i just wanna die right now!!!

    the story began when i was enter my high school,i saw my 2nd grade senior and i fell in love with her(love at the first sight) because she is very beautiful and her short hair is suitable to my criteria,but i didn't dare to approach her or even said anything to her until i reached the 2nd grade,but on my birthday (that time i was on 2nd grade and she was on 3rd grade) she bbm me and said happy birthday but at this time she already had a bf and i was happy but there is no hope and 2 months later she broke up with her bf.I got close to her when it came to her birthday,i congratulate her birthday via bbm and we started to reply every bbm which we send to each other,we discussed a lot of things.Until one day she called me first and i was like wooowwww,then the very next day i was brave enough to call her then i though i can make her mine, we cannot meet each other because my school is boarding school and she already finished the final test for the 3rd grade so she just waited for the graduation day at home while i was at my boarding school studying for the exam. At 9th June 2011 i confessed that i like her and i was asking her opinion about my feelings to her and she said SORRY, my heart was broke like a pieces of sand, i tried to forget about her or contact her anymore but the next day she bbm me and said "are you angry with me?" "do you still want to talk with me?" and i said "yeah i'm fine" "i just need a little bit longer to calm my heart". After 4 days passed,i had an event at my school,she bbm me and ask "how are u" i said "i'm having a fever and i have to attend the event" and she was showing she cared to me and i can't resist it. After the event finished i went back to my dormitory and i bbm her the event was done,and then she suddenly called me and once again she was showing a hope and i though maybe this is this time i will make it,she asked me to meet her one day before the graduation day. But when i started to approach her i was to afraid so we didn't have a conversation at that time,at night i called her,told her "i'm sorry and tomorrow i'm gonna brave enough to meet her" she said "ok",tomorrow when the graduation day,i succsessed to talk with her,sit next to her,having a photo with her,and gave her birthday present. after the graduation finished i went home and i was thinking i wont see her again next year.She bbm me and asked "are u going tomorrow to the promnight?" i said "nope,i have family reunion" i know she wanted to meet me and she mad at me. the next day i tried to call her and congratulate her for being a prom queen but she rejected the call and i saw her tweet she is falling in love with someone boyfriend. now my heart is broken,i cant forget about her,i check her twitter update every second now,am i a psycho or what?what should i do to forget her or to make everything's better?please help me out!!
    Last edited by brokenheartboy; 21-06-11 at 12:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I dont think you are being psycho about it, you really care about her and you should let her know how you feel. what is the worst that could happen? she could just say that she doesn't feel the same way about you and then you can move on. but if you at least make the effort to tell her that you really like her she will see that and think maybe she likes you too. don't be scared to tell her how you feel about her, be confident when you tell her and if she likes you as well then you are okay and could be with her. but if she tells you no that she doesn't like you and she is mad at you, then you need to let her go and stop thinking about her. like everyone is telling me about my recent break up i have to have no contact with her. no contact will help you forget about her and get you back on your feet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    saratoga springs
    this could backfire... I tried that and all I got was "i still feel the same way as i did last month." Which was "i like you but am not ready for a relationship." but what the **** do i know.. I cant even go five minutes without flipping the **** out. Thats my last post.. good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    DarkHelmet, you gotta stop killing yourself over this girl, i dont know if she is an ex or a girl that you like, but if she just told you shes not ready, and its the same thing she told you a month ago, then you gotta move on. im no expert and i just joined here but that is my honest opinion, possibly in this situation if you stopped talking to her and you leave her alone for a bit she will notice that you havent talked to her and she might start to miss the fact that you stopped talking to her and it might change her feelings. Yes everything could backfire but also it could work, what would you rather have in your head, the fact that you tried everything and she still didnt want you, or you did nothing and she still didnt want you? you atleast know your trying your hardest to get her be with you/to like you. but you cant make her like you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    thanks guys

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    calm down boy, do as sunnyjd says no contact will help you move on with your life and get back on your feet again, its not easy thou most of us here having a hard time moving and no contact with our ex too. Just hang out or do things you like the most or talk to your closest friend about it ...cheers

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