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Thread: Best Friend Broke No Contact for Me!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Toronto, Ontario

    Best Friend Broke No Contact for Me!!!

    So been in NC for 3 weeks, and suddenly i got a call form an unkown number at 2 30 in the morning. It was a girl saying i gave her my number in a club and bla bla bla. I simply replied i never give out my number dont ever call back this number and hung up. The next day i told my best friend that i think my ex made one of her friends do it as a practical joke because this never ever ever happened to me before. She is also mutal friends with my ex and she took it in her hands to find out. She asked her and said to me she got really upset that i thought this and also she never thought about me for the longest time why would she do that? I don't know really but I am pretty sure it was her. Now i think i look like a jerk because we don't talk and i am acusing her and my friend confronted her. It kind of hurt also that she said she hasn't thought of me since i let everything go because she didn't see us in the future and her spark was gone. Why stick around when someone wants you to leave but they don't have the courage to let you out of their lives? I don't know i thought about calling her and my best friend says i know you have toooo much pride to call her and you wont and she she has something else it's not pride something else that she won't call either. I dunno i was doing so well, and today kind of hurt. I told all my mutual friends, please if my ex talks about me just tell her i am fine and change the topic, i never ever ask them about her. She has asked about me and she actually wants to hang with all of us including me, doesnt that contimplate the fact that she said she hasn't thought about me for so long, its only been three weeks and she was asking about me a week and a half ago. I don't know what i am venting about really, i'm just venting. Minor setback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Toronto, Ontario
    should i just call her?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    No you shouldn't.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Toronto, Ontario
    i know i shouldnt. i really do. I was doing so great until i heard that bs. I mean yea its obvious she crosses my mind everyday as would anyone who got out of a 2 year relationship but damn this sucks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    Don't call her. Don't think about calling her. Don't ask if you should call her.
    In fact, forget that she exists. Don't worry if you upset her with thinking she set up that call. She is out of your life and not your responsibility.

    In fact, maybe ask your friend out. She seems like she is willing to go to bat for you. Maybe she has some feelings for you that you don't know about.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Toronto, Ontario
    i hear you i hear you. Shitt everyone i know tells me its her loss, so that picks me up. Yea ill try to pick my self up to where i was a couple days ago. No i can't ask my friend out would never want to ruin something so special. I talk to some girls right now but nothing i am interested in, but we will see something will come around i guess. Hopefully. Thanks Devon.

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