These past weekend I got really drunk and text my girlfriends friend that I like her. I really do not like her. I love my girlfriend, which I have been dating for 3 years. I did not realize that some of the drunk text where to much. Her friend told me not to tell her but I have never hidden anything from her so I told her. Now I feel that she is going to dump me. I really don't want to loss her, and I'm really sorry for what I did. I just want her to forgive me. Please help me. I have never cheated on her or ever done anything like this. I don't want to loss her. Earlier in a relationship I forgave her for telling me she was still talking and hanging out with her ex for a period of 6 months. I'm not saying she needs to forgive me because if that but I just don't want to loss her. I really like her.