i had a break up with my gf 6 months ago.... is this very long period?
i had a break up with my gf 6 months ago.... is this very long period?
Six months is an awkward time interval for reconciliation. It's too long to just pick up where you left off, but it's not enough time for either of you to grow and improve as people since the breakup. Whatever problems drove you apart in the first place are probably still there, unresolved.
Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.
It's never too late to try....
The chances of a relationship working again after a breakup is very close to zero.
"i think 6 months has changed me" = six months hasn't changed you.well my ex wanted a break up.also i think 6 months has changed me...
I don't think there is an answer to this. The question is should you get back together and the answer to that is a personal decision.
2 reasons.... 1) No one says "i think" about something they're not sure of. If you truly made a change you would be way more sure of yourself than that. 2) NO ONE changes in 6 months. Starting down the right path to change can happen in 6 months, but completing a true change takes years. It's just a harsh reality.... I used to think I could do it but I was only kidding myself.why you feeling such?
getting back together is always possible. It will just be a fresh start without all the old feelings from the previous time.
I've heard that it takes men 6 - 12 months to begin to reflect and either get over a relationship or want to reconcile. With that said I agree that 6 months doesn't seem like enough time to really change...to begin to change yes, but to actually change probably not. I think you might be able to reconcile as friends at this point but probably not as lovers. 10-12 months I think is a good starting point to consider reconciliation in terms of getting back together. But I also think it depends on why you broke up and how the relationship was as well as the people involved. Sometimes 6 months could be enough time..but generally i don't think it is.