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All girls do NOT want their men to be studs. Only certain types of girls do. For me myself, the guy who really floats my boat is a nerdy, quick-witted guy who adores me. As soon as I discover a guy is a player, or as soon as he puts forth player-like qualities, I go fleeing in whatever direction will get me the furthest away from him.
I think you've trapped yourself into a Catch-22. You believe that acting like a player will attract girls... when in fact, it's only attracting certain types of girls. Then, instead of honestly evaluating whether or not you actually like and more importantly "fit" with the girls you're attracting, you seem to decide the only quality that matters is that they choose you. But by passively deciding that's all that matters, you continue to attract and then pick only girls who enjoy players.... with reinforces the idea that you cannot attract other types of girls/that other types of girls don't exist.
Look, if you enjoy the kind of girls you attract, and these kinds of girls enjoy players, and you've decided that this kinda girl is worth the "price of admission" for you to bury your non-player qualities... by all means, go for it. You are not the first or last to change yourself in anticipation of what you want to catch. But it might behoove you to really sit down and say," What do I want? What qualities do I want in a girl? What do I want out of a relationship? Who do I want to BE in a relationship?"