come on now, if nothing else, think of how I feel! this isnt fair, we were supposed to help each other!
come on now, if nothing else, think of how I feel! this isnt fair, we were supposed to help each other!
Wow! is this serious? :-) I'm still hurt, but hey let's not take it too far.
m not sure whats going on... <worried> :'(
I'm worried too.... DH, please.. if you're here, please let us know!
I can see that DH is connected and I am sure he is fine. He just needs sometime for himself.
you dont have to be alive to be connected.. :'(
im alive... using phone...landlord found me... sorry didnt mean to scare anyone
ok DH... keep us posted..' that one guy' is worried abt you too... WE ALL CARE!!!!
I'm glad to find out that you're alright... and she's right. WE DO CARE.
yeah i lost control.. thanks
i jsut have a bunch of shit happen at once.. when it rains it really does poor.... I lost control.. im an idiot and wasnt thinking. I appreciate that though thanks
i'm so happy to see that you're still here dark :-)
Glad to hear that you're ok kid.
I was hoping he'd gone off on a date with the other girl he was talking to