I went out with a girl for about a year and a half, she really messed up so I ended it and we completely stopped talking. About two years later, she started contacting me and we started talking, strictly as friends. A few weeks ago, we met up and hung out and had a good time. It became really late and she couldn't drive home because she didn't want to wake up anyone in her house. It almost seemed like she wanted to stay at my place, since she would always sleep over when we used to go out, so I invited her to stay at my place. First night, we laid on my bed not even touching each other. Second night, I held her, and she seemed OK with it. Third night she invited herself. We spooned almost like we did when we used to go out, with me giving her kisses on her forehead from time to time.
Today she asks why I give her kisses and told her my feelings for her are coming back. She tells me she is not looking for anyone or anything at the moment.
That really confused me. How could she be so OK with spending the night on my bed while we hold each other, and not have any feelings?