I've been sleeping with this guy off and on for about 4 months. He is 6 years younger than me. We have the most amazing sexual chemistry... At one point we were seeing each other weekly. Things were moving pretty fast. I found myself doing things that I normally would not do just for sex. I am not a desperate woman. I mean this guy gives me some kind of a high that I cannot explain. When we are together, we cant keep our hands off each other... We are like in awe of each other, its so weird, but it's the best feeling and it's not just me who feels this chemistry. He admits it too. The last night we were together things seemed to be getting heavy and very intimate. Emotions were starting to show. Both of our walls started to come down.
After that night, we had a breif convo about nothing really, then things came to a complete hault. It was almost like he vanished. After 2 weeks of not hearing a word from the guy I figured it was over. If he wanted to talk to me he would call... Meanwhile, I never bothered to initiate any contact either. I have a problem with being very prideful. Not to mention I already felt like I gave too much already and I could not let myself seem desperate. I was hurt and confused, but tried to stay neutral and move on.
About a month later I get a text from him. I was elated, but I didn't know whether I should respond or not.
I did respond, but not immediately. I talked to him a little but kept it casual. I didn't attack him, I just played it cool. I really don't know why he's been distant and It would be wrong to assume anything. He wanted to see what I was doing, how I've been and basically told me that I wam the best he's ever had and told me how amazing I am. I didn't go see him that week. Next week, He called again. This time he was telling me that he needed my comfort. He seemed sad or something. His tone was off. Once again, I was busy, so I didn't see him.
I don't know what to do. I really want to see him, but I don't know if its worth the pain that may come along with it if he decides to vanish again. If he thinks I so "amazing" why would he vanish for so long? Something is telling me to just go for it, but I can't let myself. I would like to keep it casual, but I'm scared of my own feelings and I do not want to let myself get played... He has always told me how wonderful he thinks I am, but now I have a hard time taking what he says seriously. He's never been mean or disprespectful to me. He's always been pretty deliberate when it comes to what he wants... Now I find him hard to trust, but this could be my own fears and insecurities.
Should I just go with it or try to forget him and let the wound heal? I'm really conflicted.