I know my posts in the past sound irrational…but I can't help that think my ex (who I would run back to in a minute if given the chance) is playing silly games with me. As mentioned, we do share a son. I got a text from her yesterday saying a piece of mail had arrived at her home for me (how is that possible? I never lived there!), I asked her to throw it out, I didn’t even want to know what it was. She then asked how I was feeling (recent surgery) but at this point I went in to a meeting and couldn’t reply right away. Not 10 minutes later I get another text from her saying "Fine! I won't ask about your well being anymore". I responded an hour later and said I was fine, thank you, I was in a meeting. No response from her.
This morning she emails me and tells me when I pick up my son on Friday she will help me put him in his car seat and that she's sure that my girlfriend and I will be ok the rest of the weekend. The thing is she doesn’t know whether or not I have a girlfriend.
I really am trying to get on with my life, I don’t ask her about her boyfriends, I don’t need to think of this all day…I truly believe she knows what she's doing by making little remarks, trying to keep me on some line for when she decides she wants to come back to me. She goes from getting angry I don’t text back fast enough to being super kind the next day and then throwing in the "girlfriend" comment, fishing for info? She is all over the map with her comments and probably her emotions.
Yeah, I waste enough time on this matter as we all tend to do and yeah, I am sure most of you will tell me I am being immature and I am game playing but truth be told I AM trying to move on and I feel with these comments/texts/emails she is slowing me down. I want to believe I am strong enough to overcome this but I am not sure anymore.
Anyone know what I mean?