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Thread: Dont want to become easy..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    AB, Canada

    Dont want to become easy..

    So i broke up with my ex a while back. Still not anywhere near over him. I love him in a way that i hate him also.. I still feel anger over our breakup and the way he is. I would give anything for us to be back together and it to work.. Sigh.

    But i realise its not so i started to get on with my life and things havnt been as hard as they were. I have been meeting up with friends, hanging out etc. I have been on a few dates. And i cant believe how much the men have been flocking since i became single!! They really have and its been doing good for my low self esteem. I have just been a happier person lately and im enjoying it.
    Yet, there has been multiple men around lately. I went on a date with one, iv been texting another 2 men. I havnt slept with anyone yet.. (which is drving me insane)..lol But i have kissed one. I didnt see anything wrong with it, until i was talking about it with a friend and she seemed shocked. And asked if i was going to choose one. lol
    To be honest, i dont want to choose one. I dont think id even want to really date anyone yet either.. But it kind of struck a nerve. is it wrong that im flirting with multiple men? Im not sleeping around so i didnt see a problem but i kind of see how it would look to people..
    I admit im enjoying the attention im receiving right now. I havnt been able to even talk to a guy in the past 2 years and now i feel like i have all this new freedom and it feels good! Yet, i dont want peope to start thinking im easy.. Mostly because its not that i am seeing other men or anything.. Its because i want to flirt and am enjoying myself right now.. Most of all because its helping me forget about my ex.
    I was just looking for others opinions. thanks!
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  2. #2
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    I just wanted to add, another reason i am asking this, is because i remember when we broke up and my ex noticed that alot of other men were paying me attention, when we were out, on facebook etc..
    He asked me; "do you wonder why men like you? Why they pay you so much attention? It's because you're pretty and you give off an image of being easy believe me im not the only one who sees it".
    It kind of upset me. Id like to think it was just because i was attractive and fun to be around..I think i am friendly, i like to make friends and have a good time, but i dont think im easy. I havnt slept with too many people and definitely not random people at that. I just dont want to give off that image and he has made me a little paranoid..
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  3. #3
    girl68's Avatar
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    I'm kind of in the date 1 person at a time boat. BUT, if you're not leading these men to believe they're the only ones... then I guess you could just continue on the way you are.

    IMO it becomes a problem when anyone assumes you're exclusive when you aren't.

  4. #4
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    AB, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by girl68 View Post
    I'm kind of in the date 1 person at a time boat. BUT, if you're not leading these men to believe they're the only ones... then I guess you could just continue on the way you are.

    IMO it becomes a problem when anyone assumes you're exclusive when you aren't.
    Oh yeah, i wouldnt be anything serious with more than one of these men. Its more like hanging out with friends at the moment.. They know me, they know the situation im in and have been friends with the one guy i hang out with for a few years. The one i have been on a date with doesnt contact me very often so he is kinda off the chart now anyway. I just hate the fact that my ex might be right and i do appear easy and me thinking that these people genuinely like to hang out with me or talk to me are actually only around as they think im easy. It just makes me feel sh*tty.. I just wanted to make new friends and get out more while im trying to get over my ex and not fall into the horrible depression i was in before.
    It just worries me thats all.. But i would never lead a man on to think we have something special or let them think they are the only ones. The people i talk to are friends before anything and i wouldnt mess anyone around like that.
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  5. #5
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    You are doing exactly what you should be doing, until you find someone you really like and have a deep connection with and you both know it's going somewhere, dont have sex, just have fun. Enjoy this time while you're choosing.

  6. #6
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    In my opinion, as long as you are not leading anyone on and not sleeping with multiple people at the same time you're fine.

    Ignore your ex's comments, he's just jealous.

  7. #7
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    Yeah, im not too worried about it. I dont feel like im doing anything wrong. I am only really talking over texts and calls etc. I just want to play the field abit, see whats out their for me! Its just my ex's comments that get me downs sometimes.. He is constantly saying i give off an easy image.. Like.. am i not allowed to be friendly to anybody now? If people knew me they would know thats just me.. Whatever im not going to let his stupid comments get to me.
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  8. #8
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    If you want to date multiple people at the same time then do it. I don't do it because it is too confusing for me. But if you want to sleep with multiple people, then they ALL deserve to know that they might catch something from another of your partners.

    I don't judge a woman who wants FWB. I love women that know what they want and are not afraid to tell me. That's a big turn on for me.

  9. #9
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    You shouldn't worry about what your ex says and what he is saying is from anger and jelousy and..........he misses you. The fact that you do think about it though should make you think hard weather you are over him. If you are not, you can flirt, make new guy friends, but don't sleep with them. Don't sleep with anyone, period, until 6-9 months have passed. Once you do become intimate with someone, let your ex and anyone else know that you are serious with another person. I am a guy, as a woman (given that guys are paying you attention, you are obviously attractive) you are giving guys, who are fighting for your affection, signals. These guys will very easily translate those signal to themselves as green lights, that they have a chance, it's what they want to believe. It is already good for your self esteem that guys are interested in you, don't give them false hope, it kills their spirit, and you don't want to be that person, the tease from hell.

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