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Thread: Please help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Please help!!!

    I really don't know where to start with this but I'm stuck and I really dunno what to do :/
    About 7 month ago I started seeing my gf, after a few month she got pregnant so obviously we hit issues, it didn't help that my family didn't accept her so when I told them I got kicked out, I'm living with her and her parents now. As we couldn't afford a child and were both still young, we went for an abortion only to find out there was a mess up and she had misscarried :/ she broke down and we've been distant ever since....so basically for the past few month we've been tearing each other apart at every opportunity, a few weeks back she suggested a break....we still sleep in the same bed, and everything but we started getting close again, had a laugh and i seen her smile for the first time in months, last night though i got drunk and text her telling her I loved her to bits and felt that connection again, she picked me up and all hell broke out, I crossed the line as we were on a break apparently, we'll now its permanent she says :'( she said i can still live there as i have nowhere or anybody else but i just want her, what can I do?!
    Anything would be appreciated, many thanks,
    Last edited by stannaz; 09-05-11 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    If you just told her how you felt you didn't cross the line at all. Thought maybe the fact you were drunk pissed her off a little bit. You're both dealing with a loss and its hard for both of you. Let it cool down for a day or so then write her a letter saying exactly how you feel about her. Let her know and at least you've been honest with her. If she still kicks off or doesn't feel the same then it may be time to get out of there. If she does feel the same, then suggest some councilling together or something to show you want to be there for her and work through the problems together. All you can do it be honest and try. If it's not there I guess its not worth holding on to. Its hard to hear.. Ive just had to let go of something I loved very much. I have to be strong and realize its over for good. Its bloody hard!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Sydney, Australia
    if you really love her, do what she said, be there for her when she needs you. She distanced you because you are one of reasons that caused the mess.. ... sorry, i am just being honest

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