there are times when i would text message my boyfriend around lunch time and not hear anything back from him until 11pm. this has happened more than once, including one time when i was sick and needed someone to pick me up. he always has a million excuses but he keeps letting it happen.
i'll invite him to do something (either call and leave a message or text) and he won't get back to me until 10pm and by then it's too late.
also, we had a breakup right before he left for a trip, then we made up and he left. i was feeling vulnerable. i texted him, he texted me something nice back but said that he left his charger so he'd have to turn his phone off. he didn't call, text or even email me the whole trip.
again, a million excuses why when he got back.
i've had it. i broke up with him over it. the girl sitting by the phone waiting shouldn't be someone with a man who claims to love her.
we have also just recently conquered the hurdle of his unintended emotional affair with his ex. don't you think he'd be extra sensitive right now?
if we break up and i'm crying and hang up, i have to call him because 3 days later i'll not have heard a peep from him...!
is this normal???? he preaches and begs how much he loves me but i tell him that what he really wants is to be single and he denies it vehemently.
his words don't match his actions and his words are so strong! he says he doesn't know these things or how to be a good boyfriend.
i'm fed up with feeling rejected by calling and not getting a ring back until i'm already asleep.
but i miss him so badly i am heartbroken and crying and i'm not that type of girl!!!!!!!!
what to do