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Thread: was he interested or was i a rebound?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    was he interested or was i a rebound?

    Hi my name is Loz,

    Basically a month ago i got in touch with one of my old friends Tobbie and went out with him a couple of times and he was with his friend Ben.

    Tobbie and Ben are both 21 (while im 17) and they both had girlfriends so i wasn't interested in that way. Ben and i was chatting for the first time and he denied having a girlfriend when i asked him. i simply corrected him and went on.

    Maybe the day after, Ben and his girlfriend broke up, they were having trouble anyway and that was the end. She told Tobbie she would never have him back and he didn't seem that bothered either. He had asked me if i liked him and i had basically said i dont know you that well...

    Me and Ben started hanging around together alone aswell as with Tobbie. About 2 weeks after knowing each other, one day when Ben was at work i went out with Tobbie and Ben got all stroppy texting me saying "don't go out with other boys when your supposed to be seeing me."

    The day before this Ben had cancelled plans with me to speak to his ex because he claimed SHE needed to talk to him. But SHE had told Tobbie that it was Ben that needed to talk to her.

    For the following week or so me and Ben saw each other near enough everyday, arguing about little things like he came to pick me up from my house but would never come right outside my house because he doesn't want to meet my mum? but my mum followed me out to him car anyway and when we drove off he said "why the f*ck did you tell your um to come say hi" i had explained to him that my mum has met every one of my friends including Tobbie and all she wants is to know who i have been spending so much time with.

    weekend just gone he asks if i want to sleep at his house on Saturday, i agree and mum agree's. we both had a very nice time but on the Sunday he starts acting very strange. He wants to go see Tobbie without me, said he wont be long. I didn't see him for long on the Sunday, on the Monday he again goes out with Tobbie and tells me he cant see me.

    On Tuesday i text him asking if he will see me after work but e says he is busy. Tobbie informs me that he was meeting up with his ex again.

    It is now thursday, he hasn't text me back or rung me or anything.
    Tobbie also informs me he had been asking 2 other girls for sex whilst "seeing me".

    help me out here please, i dont understand what has gone on in the past month

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    There's nothing to be confused about. He has unresolved feelings for his ex. When people get out of a relationship, they will throw themselves out there to get attention to shake off the hurt and loneliness. Don't take this personally. His thoughts and how he was feeling was all scrambled and was only thinking of himself. This was his way of dealing with it. You were there at the wrong time. Just let it go and don't both with him....he wasn't being serious with you....so ya you he was using you....the rebound. So next time, don't get involved with someone that is in, or just got out of a relationship or you will get burned again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    It sounds like he is a huge asshole and is using you. It's pretty simple. Break up with him. He is seeing his ex, sleeping with other girls and getting mad at you for hanging out with your friend? Ditch him.

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