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What? I feel so sorry for your CURRENT gf. How unfair of you to secretly be looonging for your ex. You should get over the ex before getting with the next. It might be different if you were actually trying to get over her, but you secretly hope to reunite with her some day so you couldn't possibly be trying to forget her. Shame on you.
i agree. this stuff should have been resolved. this is unfair to her. this will come back and bite you in the ass if you dont deal with this. its been 28 months (over 2 years). the fact you quote the exact months is what makes it sad. this girl has affected your life far too much. let it go. why are you hoping to secretely reunite with her? how long were you two together? is this your first love? what is this attachment all about?
If you still can't stop thinking about your ex, go to www.HowToGetOveraRelationship.com to discover a simple “step-by-step” formula on how to get over a break up.