I don't seem to be able to get a girlfriend, I don't know what's wrong with me, no one seems to ever be interested in me. I am a 21 year old guy and I have only had one girlfriend so far, back then when I was a teenager, I paid no mind to the fact that I did not have a girlfriend, I thought I'd eventually get one but time is not on my side, I am getting older and still single.
I don't think it has anything to do with looks, I am an average looking guy, but I've seen pretty ugly guys with pretty women, I wonder what attributes do they have of which I totally lack. I am interested in a girl who sits next to me in class but she never talks to me, even though I've tried starting a conversation with her on several occasions.I wasn't creepy or anything. But yet she can go through the whole class without so much as looking at me.
She's only interested in listening to her Ipod or texting people with her cellphone.It's like she'd rather talk to someone who is an hour away from her, on the other side of town, than talk to someone who's right beside her.It's like women are getting colder. I can't even make a friendship with her . Plus I don't know where else I could find a girl for me. How come some guys can get girlfriends, everyone I know have girlfriends I am tired of being single and this feeling of self defeat. I am not that shy at least not so shy that I can't talk to girls but I don't know what I am doing wrong.