Ive been seeing this girl for about a month now and a few weeks ago she let out that shes slept with 25 guys. 4 of those being bfs. Shes only 19.
I was fairly shocked by the number being that shes only 19 and now Im not sure what to do. Its doing my head in and im always getting thoughts and images of her being a slut and letting herself out so easy. Some of these guys ive seen on facebook and basically by the looks she had no standards
She also slept with her ex a week before we met which gets to me to.
Ive been giving her a hard time about which is making her upset aswell.
I just dont know if I should accept this or just move on. She said she has alot of self esteem issues and when her bf slept with her best friend it really hit her hard and that was a big reason for her sleeping around.
Any advice would be good