Should it be alright for his female partner to work as a hooker?
Should it be alright for his female partner to work as a hooker?
She should at least charge HIM if he's willing to pay.
baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.
uhm, I just don't see anything meaningfull, or healthy on this..
Yes.. But he sees a difference between these two behaviors whereas I see them as the same thing. He does not like the idea of me doing sex work but thinks it is fine to pay for his own release.
The only difference I see is that he walks away poorer.
I am picky and pull up bad sex, I'm not ****ing fat or ugly men. I don't see how he can judge me while he is perpetuating the sex industry by funding it.
Help desk, I put this question under judgement : is it a stupid question or not?
My vote: Wtf question is that? If you look into the mirror, do you see a troll in there?
I wazzzz here
If he frequents providers, then he should understand how unemotional and impersonal the whole experience is. It's purely for sex. He should be okay with you making some money on the side, and also satisfy your sexual needs. Many providers out there enjoy sex a lot, and they often orgasm repeatedly with clients who are good in bed. Some of the most attractive men visit prostitutes because it's too expensive and time consuming to be in a relationship. I mean, these men are hot enough that you would give them free sex, and they pay YOU instead. You can be as selective as you want. Many providers refuse to service yucky men. So please proceed and have fun.
I see no problem with either as long as its clearly talked about and both parties agree on it.
Why the hell do you want someone who visits hookers?
Are there no decent blokes where you come from?