Hi all,
I have just recently split up with this girl i was with for 3 months... however, we still talk to each other etc etc and make contact... she said she just wants to be single for now.
She ended by saying "i want to be single for now, i dont want to be attached"
Anyways, i asked her if there is any chance of us getting back together in the future and she said no - never.
But the way she acts i think it's possible it could happen. I recieved advice from my friends to stay friends with her and things might eventually work out again because she will start to miss me?
Anyways, i asked her again if we ever would today... and she said no again and i said why, and she said that i'm not her type... the thing that gets me here is why she didnt tell me in the first place?
She said she doesnt want the commitments anymore and nice to have a bit of space.
Quotes such as "i wanted to finish it because i dont want any ties at the moment. i need some space."
She said shes just realised she likes me more as a friend.... but then she said this
"the situation at the mo has made me think like that more though... with me wantin some space"
I asked her why i wasnt her type and she said that i needed "reasuring" all the time... and that im not "Dominant" enough.
She said she doesnt like me in that way anymore, just as a great friend. She said i didnt do anything wrong at all.
I still really really like her... what should i do from now? My friends say leave it for now and she will come crawling back to you eventually because she will start to miss the activities you did together? Is this true?
Tell me what to do. Thanks alot.