I have been in a 2 year LDR with my boyfriend which is coming to an end this summer. I have been extremely happy with him, love him to the point of insanity, and am eager for us to be together full time. I miss him terribly all the time. However, I recently started a new job and have developed this crush for someone else.
I'm confused by it. I do not develop crushes very easily, and this is the first since being with my boyfriend. I really do not know what is going on with this person. I have to walk by his desk several times throughout the day, and I was, for the most part, fairly oblivious to him. One day I saw him looking at me and did not think much of it, but afterward I became aware that every time I went by I could feel him staring at me. Needless to say, I started returning these stares.
These quick glances have turned into these ridiculously long stare down sessions. It has gotten to the point where as I walk by we both turn around and our eyes remain locked. I'm surprised I haven't hit a wall yet, or run into someone. The odd thing is we have never said a word to each other. I grumbled a "hello" once and he nodded in response. For the record I know he is in a relationship as well.
The thing is I don't know if he really likes me, or if he just thinks I'm some sort of creep who smiles all the time and he is just being polite. I asked a friend and she said "You don't smile at people who you think are creeps." I have been having fantasies of him, and actually look forward to work because I get to see him.
I really want this crush to go away, though I know I am enabling it! Anyway... if someone could kindly talk me down or give me advice, I'd appreciate it... but I just need a place to vent about it as I really have no one to talk to. I don't go back to work until Monday and my boyfriend is flying in tomorrow and will stay all through next week until Sunday. I am hoping his visit will help me put things into perspective.