does anyone have any funny embarrassing sex stories they wanna share? I can think of a few...
one time me and my ex were having sex, I don't know if it was because I was sweaty or what but all of a sudden this loud queef came out. I started laughing so hard that we almost had to stop because I couldn't control myself! I'm glad it happened with my boyfriend at the time though, since we were able to just laugh it off. if it had been someone I was just hooking up with that would have been ten times more embarrassing.
another funny story I have happened to one of my best friends. apparently she had been drinking, and went upstairs to hook up with this guy she was with. she was giving him head, and either she went down too far or the alcohol had something to do with it, but she ended up throwing up all over his dick! she said it sobered her up really quick and she kept apologizing, he was ok with it but she was totally humiliated!
I can probably think of a few more but I wanted to see what you guys had