I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years and we just recently moved in together. I knew he watched porn in the past and it was always really really upsetting for me, we actually briefly broke up because of it, I was heartbroken. I tried to get over it and kind of moved past it for a bit but I just found so much porn on his computer. he was watching while I wasI was sleeping. its so upsetting to me. we have a great sex life, we have plenty of sex, I give him blowjobs or whatever he wants whenever he wants and I dont understand why he still watches porn. especailly when I'm there. I wish he would have just woken me up and told me he wanted to have sex. it just really hurts. at this point I dont want him to touch me I dont want to have sex with him or do anything. I don't know how to bring this up to him because i don't want to fight and he always gets mad when I bring it up. I'm just so hurt and I don't know how to go on with this relationship normally.