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Thread: Am I wrong to fall in love with a married man?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Los Angeles

    I'm a guy.. though I'm close to the Japanese "Bishonen" stereotype. Sue is Bi, and thinks I'm the best of both worlds..

    That's all good with me.
    Just my 2c!

  2. #17
    LINEBACKER _2's Avatar
    LINEBACKER _2 Guest
    No, you're not wrong to fall in love with a married man. That happens and situations change accordingly.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    You shouldn't feel guilty about what you feel, no one should since feelings cant be controlled, but I say you should proceed with caution, I have a friend that were in a similar situation and didn't have a happy ending... not at all.

  4. #19
    LINEBACKER _2's Avatar
    LINEBACKER _2 Guest
    I don't doubt that one at all.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Sometimes it seems like the heart has its own mind - it decides for itself. Strong emotions overtake us and we are plunged deep into the ocean of uncertainty and vulnerability. Despite reality, we fall in love.

    Being in love with someone who is still married isn't easy at all. If you love this person so much, you intend to stay in the relationship no matter what. But the saddest part is, no matter how strong your feelings are, it gets consumed one way or the other IF it is not reciprocated the same way. What I'm saying is, if you love this guy so much, he should love you enough to make a choice: you or his wife. It's just not fair you know
    Jay-tea :0)

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