My and my BF have a wonderful relationship and a fantastic sex life. I am very open sexually--I'm even bisexual, in which we have discussed many fantasies, watch porn together on a regular basis and I like watching porn with him. My question is that since I am so open to watching porn and we watch it together, why would he watch it without me? He has told me that he has watched porn for years and masturbated to it a lot, b/c he went like 3 1/2 years without being with a woman, and he has also done so in prior relationships as those relationships were not as sexually satisfying as ours. He says that the amount he watches and the amount he masturbates is less than it has ever been, and he says that when he does masturbate, he does not like to "orgasm" without me but simply enjoys touching his self and getting him self excited. But the other night I went to bed before he did, and I got up and and I knew what he was doing but he played it off, and then its like he waited until he knew I was asleep before he resumed. We did discuss this and he told me it was b/c he was ashamed and that never before in a relationship has it been "acceptable" from his prior GF, so it is a matter of habit. I told him that it was not so much that he was watching porn as it was that he was tying to hide it from me...which is a trust and honesty matter, but honestly it did bother me.
If he was horny, and knew I was awake why did he not come to the bedroom, why did he try to deceive me and then then wait until I was asleep to resume his viewing? I mean, I have a very high drive and being woken up for sex is never a problem actually I like it, unless I am so sleepy I just can't wake up. But this is not our first problem with this, a couple of months ago, I went out of town and he told me had a watched "some" porn while I was gone..which I was fine with but then I got our bill and he watch like 200.00 worth over 3 days!!! He again, said he was ashamed and that's why he did not tell me how much he had ordered, and of course he paid for it but that seemed like he was pent up in the house watching porn for 3 days straight. Whats up with that?
So I understand him watching while I am away, but why when I am in the next room and I am as sexual as I am why would he not come and initiate with me? I mean hey, I will check it out when I am by myself and masturbate as well, but not when he is home, If I do watch it when he's home Id be watching it with him I don't have the desire to watch it alone if I know he is there? So guys please explain.