No matter what, I'm taking immediate steps in response to this situation: locks are getting changed, and now that I've told Craig that I'm gone, I'm done talking to him.
I agree, Amy's story is a lot to take at face value. So I won't. I'm going to verify any facts that I can before I take any further action. And I'm going to take some time out from all of this. Craig needs time to calm down and forget about me. And I need time to think about this, lots of time. Even if every word Amy said is true, my life would be much easier if I just ignored her and moved on, and I was just starting to look forward to moving on. I already have friends trying to set me up, I'm going to a goth fashion show next week, and a distant female friend is thinking about visiting me to "cheer me up" in a physical way.
But it's true, I still care about Amy. I can't shut off more than seven years of feelings just like that.
Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.