I'm in a crappy situation with a girl I've known (and REALLY liked) for a year now. We're VERY close friends, but that's the problem - we're friends and I doubt (though I'm not certain) that she thinks of me in any other way. I know you should never tell a friend you like her in that way; that I should flirt instead and see how she reacts if I want the relationship to go further, but I just want to be honest with her and I'm hopeless at flirting anyway. I'm telling her so I can get some closure and to move on, not because I want to get anything from her. Anyhow, it would be really helpful to know what she'd think and how she'd react, just so I know what to expect and how to deal with it, so imagine your closest (or one of your closest) guy friends doing the following and tell me what you think you'd think/do in that situation. I'd really appreciate it!
1. Receiving a text with the message that he'd really like to talk to you about something. What would cross your mind? How would you reply if you were into him/not into him?
2. Being told that he really liked you as more than a friend if you were expecting/not expecting it?
3. What kind of things would he have to say to maximize his chances with you/not freak you out/not risk ruining the friendship?
4. Would you feel in any way betrayed by him?