Hi to everyone reading this!
Im in a really bad situation, desperate to see if there is anything I can do to save my marriage, i'm in tears typing this and even though i'm not a religious bloke in the slightest, I'm praying for a miracle.
For the last few 6 or seven years, things between myself and my wife have been up and down. We have three gorgeous kids and obviously, our focus has been on them and making sure they get the best in life we can give them.
I guess it's the old thing of us drifting apart, and we both feel like two friends who live together. It's been over a year since we had any sexual contact and my wife has said shes 90% certain it's over between us. I'm ever the optimist and hope there are things we can do to reverse the slide towards separation, but apart from the fact I love her dearly and would do anything for her, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do.
Friends have had their opinions, suggesting I do too much and I'm not appreciated, I mean, I guess I do a fair bit, I do all the cooking at home, all of the washing and drying, most of the cleaning, get the kids up every night, put them to bed every night, but I love doing that, I dont work and so i want to do what I can to contribute, you know?
The other thing some friends have said is about my Wife's best friend, he is an old school mate, who i've also gotten really close with, now, there is no doubt in my mind that they are nothing more than friends. But, my wife is always sending text messages to him, hundreds a month, he's always the first person she calls in the morning and the last person she calls at night. He's also not exactly made a secret of the fact he fancies my missus, he lived with us for a year and during that time, he and my wife slept in the same bed in our front room, yes, in the same bed. I accepted it as he said he found it hard to go to sleep as he'd not long separated with his wife. As I said, i'd do anything for my wife and so I agreed to it. Even though it was so hard to see that night after night. The reason I mentioned it was to give you guys a bit of the back story. I have to be honest, I have felt way down the list of my wife's priorities for a long time now.
So, on the 15th of this month, when my wife has some time off (she works part time in the evenings) we will sit down and talk things through one last time.
I'm desperate and so scared. And the worst thing is that if and when we do separate (and it feels like more of a "When"), how am i going to look at my kids faces and tell them daddy is moving out? It'll break their heart.
Any help anyone can give me would be more appreciated than I can say.