Hi all,
About 3.5 months ago I was brutally dumped by my gf. In short - she went to vacation to her country as my gf (we were talking moving in together, kids, marriage, etc...) and after few weeks came back pregnant with/from her last bf. I didn't know anything about all this, I blindly trusted her. When I came to the airport to meet her, I couldn't even approach her...Since then we have never chance to properly talk, I had never had a chance to hear sincere apology, get some closure and her side of the story....She just disappeared from my life like I was complete piece of sh*t.....
Nevermind..., thanks to this forum, gradually I could come back to normal "me"...and even better "me" My life is full now, I date, have a new gf and in generally pretty over my cheating X...
But still, what bothers me, is the fact that I'm still thinking about her, almost every day...Not as obsessively as in the beginning...but still several times a day...BUT what really "scares" me (I would say even "freaks" me) is to accidentally bump into her...Although we live in a big city and chances for this are low...Still we live in nearby neighbourhoods, occasionally going to the same shopping centres, entertainments, parks, etc...I do my best to avoid any chance to encounter her but still, there is always a chance...
Frankly, it is not like I do not want to see her or to hear her, but I know that this encounter will be completely pile of bullsh*t...She will pretend how good she is doing...I will pretend how I am completely over her...I know that those are the "rules of the game" and practice them in my mind..but I afraid I will not be able to follow then if it will happen for real..
Any suggestions / tips - how to "survive" accidentally meeting your X...
There are also many different scenarios: she can be alone or (most likely) with her partner, I can be (most likely) alone or with my partner...
sometimes, I would like to make myself just not noticing her...But what if it will not work.. ? I do not want to look like demonstratively ignoring her and /or having some anger...In my perfect "scenario" I would like to leave her with an impression that she was unimportant episode in my life, I barely remember who she is... How do I get this effect ?