View Poll Results: So which is it?

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  • She likes you, she's bicurious

    4 66.67%
  • She's just a little confused

    2 33.33%
  • It was just a joke

    0 0%
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Thread: Does she like me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Does she like me?

    I'm a girl and yesterday I was sleeping over at my friend's house. We were going into the hot tub together and we were in bathing suits. She put on a one piece and when I asked why she was wearing her swim team bathing suit she said something insecure about her body. Being a good friend, I told her she was beautiful and there was nothing wrong with her. I went around a corner in her room to change into one of her bikinis and I'm not sure if it was an accident or not but she saw me changing but instead of turning around or leaving, she just stood there staring for a while. The bikini was a bit too small for me in the top and I was coming out a little. I asked for a bigger one but she said it looked fine. We got in the hot tub and put some bubbles in. She had kind of been staring at my boobs ever since she "accidentally" saw them and they were showing a bit. I tried to put a couple extra bubbles around me but then she started a splash fight and popped them all. Then she was next to me in the hot tub and she kinda pressed up against me and put her hand on my leg casually and then started moving it up. I let her do it a little but when she got up to the edge of my suit I shifted uncomfortably and she started laughing like it was a joke but I'm not sure it was. I kinda feel bad about this though because a couple times last year at parties for a joke I made out with her and we kinda felt around a little. I'm totally straight but I feel like since I was a little tipsy I went gone too far and made her think I'm interested. We're really close and we've held hands and we peck goodbye sometimes but I thought it was all innocent. Earlier that night we were on a swing and I laid down and she put my head in her lap and stroked my hair and my mouth a little then started moving towards my boobs before someone came. We've seen each other naked several times. We've even joked around (or at least I thought) about doing "stuff" or having a threesome with her boyfriend. Do you think she's attracted to me, bi-curious, or it was really just a joke? I don't want to hurt her but I don't like her like that...what should I do? We're 16.
    Last edited by tatertotslove; 03-01-11 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I dont know how old you two are, if you're both 14 or something she will be confused about her sexuality for sure because this is a time of self discovery, and if you don't feel comfortable with this you need to tell her instead of letting her touch you in personal places, because by not stopping her it can be an indication that you are enjoying it and soon enough you will be convincing yourself that you like her touching you, Its ok to experiment with these kind of things especially at a young teenage age. If you two are about 18 or leaving your teen years then sure enough by now you have both established your sexuality, to me it sounds like she could be either lesbian or bisexual and it's alot more common than you think. If you think she is confused then if she trusts you enough you could try discussing her feelings for you and what path she might be taking in the sexuality area. By all means though, I wouldn't string her along, she could just be experimenting and there's nothing wrong with that and no reason to feel ashamed if you or her are unsure as to whether you're straight, bi or gay, but I voted that she likes you I would also vote she is confused but being unaware of what your age range is it's hard to understand what maturity level you are both at. But yes, it could just be a phase, an aspect of self discovery or an interest in you, yet to be established I guess.

    hope this helps

    Sapphire x

    P.S in my context of 'liking you' I would say she's interested in you and you might stimulate sexual feelings in her towards you
    Last edited by SapphireBerry; 03-01-11 at 02:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Best. Thread. Ever.

    Sorry, that was the boy in me talking.

    Yeah, she wants to tap that (er.. well.. sort of.) Sounds like she wants to experiment. And no, you're not actually "totally straight" if you made out with her previously. Sorry. Haha.

    She probably is taking that incident to mean you might want to experiment more. You need to be forward and tell her you're not into girls. Or experiment.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Yes she likes you. Go for it and have fun.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    To know your ages would change the picture.
    By the looks of it she wants to experiment and since you have made such things before she thinks its cool with you. If you really dont like the situation just refuse anymore sexual contact try to talk with her so she understands that you dont want this.
    Dont be hard on her because you might loose her as a friend but be straight in what you are telling just tone it down and make her feel the same and by then be sorry for what she did.
    I never forget someone and never wants to hurt someone either THAT IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY NATURE

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    We're 16, both almost 17.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    I wish I could just copy and paste Gratedwasabi's comment here, because he was right on the money. If you don't want to experiment any more, you need to do two things - 1) tell her you don't want to experiment any more, and 2) stop experimenting with her. Kissing her, making out with her, seeing each other naked, letting her touch your leg in the hot tub, joking with her about a threesome... these are experiments. Even if it is just joking for you, for her, it might not be.

    Let her know you are her friend but want to focus on boys. Make it more about you and what you want to do so as to not make her feel that she was doing anything wrong. Because she was just following your lead. Now it is up to you to change the direction of that lead.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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