We've all heard it...at least I know I have:
"You'll find him when you least expect it."
"You'll find him when you're not looking."
I'm going to be honest here: I'm 25, single... and many of my friends who are dating someone are getting engaged, or are already married and have growing families. It's scary. Today, I found out 3 more of my friends are engaged, and while I was happy for them, it kind of hurt at the same time.
I haven't really been in a serious relationship. I had a not-very-serious boyfriend in high school, and had little flings with a few guys since then, but nothing serious at all.
My guy friends, my girlfriends, all tell me: You graduated from a prestigious big 10 University, you're smart, applying to graduate school, you're funny, you're beautiful, you're a dancer, you've got an amazing personality....
So why am I still single?!
Maybe I should be prettier? I'm not a supermodel, but I'm not terrible looking, I think. (If you want pics, I just might post them), but seriously?
Too ambitious? Intimidating? I am outgoing, love myself, take good care of myself, and love spending time with family and friends.
I have a really hard time believing that there'll be anyone left for me that's not already married or engaged. All the great guys I've met are usually taken.
The ones in the past that were not taken, end up telling me: "He's out there waiting for you, I'm not the one, but you'll meet him one day, and he's gonna be lucky to have you."
They allllll sayyyy that. Seriously.
It's difficult; I am having a hard time keeping the faith.
Second part of my confession: I tend to get crushes on guys pretty often. Maybe subconsciously I'm looking. I do not want to be that way - I just see the best in everyone, guys or girls, but of course I fall for the guys, because that's how I swing
Many of my female friends feel similar to how I do right now, many of whom are going on to medical school or pursuing higher degrees, but have not found The One yet. Most of the time, I'm fine, but today, I had a moment of weakness, which is why I'm now writing this.
So, going back to the first few quotes I listed above - does this mean that being interested in someone mean that you are, in fact, looking? In sum, what WOULD it look like to finally meet that person?
I know I had posted about a week ago (see former forum topic about comment on shoes) about a guy that I am just starting to get to know who I am currently interested in...is it not a good sign that I was thinking of him? Honestly, I'm surprised by this whole situation because I don't have to change myself when I'm around him, he's interested in whatever I have to say, and I'm just in general comfortable in my own skin around him. But then again, I could just be blinded...haha. I do have a feeling that he'll at least be a good friend.
This probably sounds confusing, but I do obviously want to get married some day... but how would that happen if it's supposed to happen when you don't want it? How do you not look?