Hi, this is proberly going to be a long one but the title says it all. I started seeing a guy from my work place about a month back and we are now exclusive. He's really kind, caring, and works hard. I told my 2 best friends about him, (i'll just add my 2 best friends are 18/19 and have a child each with their partners, who are basically the exact opposite of my new guy and both live with their parents and one even still goes out drinking dumping the child on her parents), and they were pretty weary about him as they were both very fond of my ex partner. When i told them his age, 32 (i'm 20), and showed them a picture of him (he's a bit on the chubby side) they told me i could do better and that he was a fat pervert. He's only 2 years older than my ex, and excuse me if i'm not shallow! i also thought that they were fine ones talking, as their boyfriends aren't exactly Brad Pitt lookalikes, and i can't say they have much personality either, however i wouldnt upset my friends by telling them this straight out like they did to me. When they said this the principal of it that got to me, but my friends had always been there for me and no man could split us up, and i eventually let it go. Now, however, they are both refusing to meet my boyfriend, and one of them (the one who likes a drink) has so much of a problem that she's cut contact with me, and only texts to see if i'm coming out on the weekend (which i dont, because i dont want to encorage her as i think she should be at home with the baby). All of this may seem petty but it's quite upsetting me. I suffer very badly with anxiety, which my friends know about, and feel like i'm going to have to choose between the girls and my man. I've considered that they may be jealous because my boyfriend is well off and i could have a happy and exciting future with him, or just that they would be embarrased to be seen with him because he's not a male model, because he's not from our valley, and so on, but no matter why they wont give him a chance, they just wont. It's like they dont want me to be happy with him because of whatever reason but would rather me be with my ex (who dont get me wrong was a lovely guy, it just wasnt working out) and be unhappy. Maybe it's time i found new friends, not that i'm choosing him over them but maybe they just can't be very good friends if they cant be happy for me now that i've found somebody who's a keeper. Really, i'm wondering if anyone on here has had any similar experiences and could maybe give me some advice, or perhaps there's something very obvious here that i'm missing but is clear to an outside eye? i'd be grateful for any replies. Thanks