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Thread: Why aren't you dancin?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Why aren't you dancin?

    so yesterday i went to my brother's school's party. Its a military school. Some guys are really hot
    So i pretty much didn't do much, at around 8ish mybrother ( which was surprising cuz he never does this) introduced me to his two friends which was awkward cu this do a handshake which im not used to, and i didn't give one to the other one, and my brother was like "Ohhh" n laughing. then i distanced my self from my parents and sat in the corner. And then this guy tht wrote on my wall on facebook tht i was cute, came up to the table next to me n was like
    " Why aren't you dancin?" there was a group of 20 ppl in the middle dancing
    I was like " It looks pretty exclusive over there"
    "It is a lil exclusive
    Plus my parents are right there!
    So your brothers parents are right there
    Its different
    He walked away and he looked over a lot before and after tht.
    I think he just wanted me to dance with him,, cuz i dont really know him, and he just walked on over lol
    I saw him grinding with some girl after that, it was hilarious, he didnt even touch her?
    He seems like the kind of guy tht thinks he can get any and every girl, Do you think so?
    What should i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Yeah, he wanted to dance with you. He thinks you're cute, you already know that. And yes, he has confidence with women or he wouldn't have approached you. So far I don't see any problems. Flirt back with him (FB?) and see where it goes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    lol. Fb is hort for facebook! the problem is the school is like and hour n a half away, n i go there less than once a month, and also, i think hes one of those guys who thinks he's a "player" So i don't want to give in and be just another one.

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