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Thread: Do's and Don'ts of first time togther?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    United States

    ~~~I don't want to make it awkward, I'm meeting her for the 1st time~~~

    I'll be completely honest there is this girl and I just was on her formspring, where you can ask people question anonymously.
    I don't know if I like her or what...I think she is pretty attractive but I DEFINITELY know that I'm sexually attracted to her, I would just space out in the halls and stare as we walked to our classes in the same direction, and she was in my gym

    So I asked her a few question and ended up talking to her on FB turns out I'm going to hang out with her soon!

    Me Have you ever smoked or considered it?
    Her yeah ive smoked before, why?
    Me It shouldn't be that hard to figure out haha, I want to with you
    Her lol, hm who are youuu?
    Me I'll facebook you later
    Her lolll alrightt

    So obviously we are going to smoke, I told her that I would pick her up at her town and drive back towards my town and cruise one. Then if no one is home do it again at my house, if not, just chill. Then smoke one more time at night (I'm gonna try to work my magic to do it on our football field because we have semi-soft high jump mats and you can see the night sky perfectly. I didn't tell her that yet but that's my secret plan I guess and I'm going to bring blankets and what not if it works)

    I noticed when I do smoke I am ten times more funnier and on my game, so I shouldn't have to much to worry about.

    Like I said I will give gold gold gold to anyone who can help me out.
    I'm assuming I'll get at least one of these so I guess send it if you want but I'd rather a more helpful reply. <---- "You do sound only sexually attracted and like you just want to get with her" <----Don't send me one of these lol^

    I don't know want I'm exactly I want help with lol but...
    Is there any dos and any don't for that night? Any signs to look out for? etc. etc.

    I'm now out of HS and a freshman at college and she is a junior in HS.

    Feel free to ask any questions to

    I was talking to a friend about this similar situation and all he said was 1)Smoking doesn't improve your game and 2)don't smoke
    Like I said live my life so I still am going to with her and whatever happens happens if it turns out to be a bad night, so what
    Last edited by R0aDRuNN3R5; 07-12-10 at 10:23 PM.
    Let be friends

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    How old is she? And how are you? You better check you local statutory rape laws in your area. She might be too young for you.....and since you involve drugs into it you could get yourself in a heap of trouble.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    How old is she? And how are you? You better check you local statutory rape laws in your area. She might be too young for you.....and since you involve drugs into it you could get yourself in a heap of trouble.
    yeah I know I said I'm sexually attracted to her but I didn't plan on getting that far on the first time hanging out with no history except going to the same school, and I didn't mean blankets for sex, I meant it cause it'll be winter break for both of us and she'll probably be complaining about the cold...which made me think

    A long long while back during the cold wintery nights I would always hang out with my gf/friend with benefit/friend/whatever I would either ask if she was cold or I would see that she is cold and without asking stand behind her and wrap my arms around her.

    Is there any chance of making my way towards that, like I said just incase something builds up I don't want to ruin i on the first day
    Let be friends

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Be yourself. That's the only thing you can be. And good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    My God, give up the drugs man...focus on your education.

    I would seriously beat the crap out of you if you were my kid in college and using my money to buy weed.

  6. #6
    girl68's Avatar
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    I say go for the smoke but I also say easy on the moves. while you may be on her game she might be thrown off hers, give it up and feel guilty and never speak to you again.

    have FUN. laugh and play don't just feel her up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Texas. Ya know.
    Do drugs REALLY have to be involved?

    For god's sakes, really, don't feel her up. Just cruise and flow with it.

    I'm guessing this chick is still in highschool?

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