This says it all.
This says it all.
God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
-Mark Twain
If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
-Albert Einstein
Ah yeah? How about that :
I wazzzz here
hahahha u r funny
but girls r more beautiful than boys loooool
Sho0ojy says:
"but girls r more beautiful than boys"
that's like saying "guys are more handsome than girls." Doesn't really say much
haha.. i felt quite pity for the girls >.<
Hahaha, that video is hilarious. Poor girl(s). I bet they were just mortified.
that truck is a metaphor for all or most of their future encounters with men.
funny,the title said it all
That video reminded me about a story my friend told me, I have no clue why and it's not similar at all. My friend doesn't know how to skateboard, but for fun he entered a tournament. He was at the top of the drop in or whatever you call it, and he flew off his skateboard and crashed hard. He crawled under a box type thing and stayed in there for the rest of the competition. LOL.
Always tell people exactly how you feel, at that exact moment. If the moment has passed, let us help you:
L’esprit de l’escalier