So basically I've been with my boyfriend for 2 yrs, and the entire relationship we lived 1.5 hrs apart. We saw each other every weekend, sometimes more. About a month ago, I made a career move and we now live 2 hrs apart by plane! Before I left, we agreed it was the best thing for me and he said that he wanted to move to the city that I was going to so it would be fine and that within 3 months he should be able to find a job and come to me.
Well, its been a month and he is telling me that things are going great at work and he cant jepordize that now and he doesnt think he will be moving within the next 6 months...ok so I can deal with that because I love him and I want to make it work.
This weekend he tells me that he isn't sure what he wants anymore, that he loves me and misses me so much and that its just really hard and he doesnt know if he can do it anymore. He said that he feels like he should know if he wants to marry me and he isnt sure if he does or doesnt. I asked if he wanted to break up and he said no he doesn't but if its this hard to do long distance he doesnt know if he can do it. He said he feels really pressured to make all of these huge life choices even though I have made it perfectly clear that he does not need to come here and propose to me within a few months of him moving here; I am ok keeping things the same.
Now the kicker....he tells me yesterday that he he got a text from some girl and he doesnt know who she is, thinks he met her at the bar on friday night, nothing happened but he gave her his #. I asked why he would do that and again he said he didnt know and that he doesnt remember it. He said he isn't interested in dating anyone and that he loves me and that he feels so guilty and aweful that he could even do something like that.
I have no idea what to do; part of me thinks I need to wake up and realize he isn't in this anymore and doesn't have the balls to say so and another part of me thinks that he is having a mid life crisis at 25 and doesnt know what to do.
Any insight would be appreciated! I have no idea what to do