Wow, this is very similar to my situation. I understand completely where you're at but think back to what you current gf was like when you guys first started dating. She was amazing, thoughtful and sweet right? That's why you fell for her. I know I keep finding myself doing sweet things for the guy I work with too. Like texting him on his bday and leaving him homemade muffins. It's crazy that's what love does to us. But yet I find myself not wanting to do those sweet things for my husband. I will tell myself that tonight I'm going to surprise him with ..XYZ. And then he comes home and either says something that pisses me off or gets on the computer and disapears. And then I don't want to do anything nice for him. You know? It's so hard to maintain existing relationship. Fresh ones are easy and fun. Sigh! I feel ya believe me I do.