Ok, so i am 22, she is 36. She has 2 kids and i dont hve any. So am i crazy for liking a woman who is 14 yrs older then me. She is seperated, and was married to an asshole for 10 yrs. He swore at her, called her every name in the book. We have been together for 3 months. And its going fantastic, athough it is a long distance relatiinship (for now). Ive taken her on a romantic weekend lst month and ahe loved it. I sked her if this relationship is a fling to her and if i am just a rebound. She nswered NO to both. And i believe her cuzshe suxs at lying and she is brutally honest which i find very good traits. Ive been told by her tht i dont act my age and am very mature for my age. We are taking it quite slow. But the one thing that bothers me is that she always brings up the age difference. She said that its one of her insecurities. What does that mean? And will she get over it eventually. What do i tell her to get over this hurdle.