(I gave a shortened version of the backstory of whats going on, in addition to the fact that he stood me up for his xbox)
So I've been seeing this guy for 10 months now. At the beginning of the relationship he was so sweet and a real gentleman. He always picked up the check at dinner and opened doors for me. I'd get really sweet texts from him everyday like "It's a gloomy looking out, but having you as my girlfriend makes it better" or "I wish you were here so I could hold you".
He's in college and I work full time. One week he had finals and it was a really busy time for me at work and we didn't see each other for a couple of weeks. During that time there was a day where he didn't text me much and I jokingly texted him "you don't love me anymore?" to my utter surprise he replied "I'm just confused" I confronted him about it and he told me he didn't think we had a future together. In shock and hurt I was crying and asking him why because just a couple of weeks before he told me we were a good match. He told me he didn't see himself as a human being, but as a devil. He said he couldn't feel emotions, and didn't know what to do when I was crying. I know what you're thinking, and no he didn't meet someone else. But wait, the plot thickens...
He used to get beat as a child.. a lot.. and eveytime he would cry he'd get beat some more and was told that he wasn't allowed to cry. I read a ton of child psychology books and they say that children who grow up like that "die emotionally" and see themselves as bad people.
I showed him the research that I did and told him there was help out there and he could feel emotions again, there are therapists, or if he didn't want to see one, there are programs for healing that you can do on your own, and I let him know he could talk to me about anything. He opened up and told me some horrific things that his parents did to him when he was just a little boy. After this he seemed to be affectionate again and like he was back in love with me.
He slowly stopped doing sweet things for me and sending me those texts that would make me smile for hours. Yet he'd still tell me that he loves me on a constant basis.
A new videogame came out a couple of days ago, and i've had the past few days off work, the first day it came out I tried to be understanding and let him play it all day (even though he knows I can't stand watching him play videogames). He texted me that he knew I didn't want to but I could come over for a little bit while he was playing because it wouldn't kill me. So since schools been pretty stressful for him I baked him his favorite kind of cake from scratch and brought it over for him and spent a couple hours cuddling him while he played. Today after he was out of school I asked if he was busy because I wanted to spend time with my favorite person. He told me that my favorite person wanted to play video games today.
I don't think I'm asking too much here, he played all day tuesday and some wednesday when he wasn't at school, i'd figure since I was so nice to him and everything that he'd want to spend some time with me today, but he totally ditched me for his xbox! Okay, school, homework, making money, those are excuses I understand, but come on! Choosing videogames over your girlfriend??
Ive been really nice to him, and understanding, and I feel really bad about what happened to him as a child, but that doesn't mean he can walk all over me!