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Thread: Want to hook up with coworker. Think she may be interested but not sure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Want to hook up with coworker. Think she may be interested but not sure

    Hi, I would like any advice anyone may have to help me be able to read this girl with whom I work and want to hook up with. I am really attracted to her and I think she likes me as well, but I can't figure out if she likes me as a friend or more. I can't read her well both because I am not too good with reading women in general, and also because there is somewhat of a cultural divide between us based on our backgrounds.

    I became friends with her earlier this year when she started working at our office. I am more of a shy and reserved person, and she is the one who approached me first on a personal level after a few weeks. She asked me if I had a facebook page, and told me to add her. We then started chatting a lot online a lot, several days a week, and got to know each other well like that (I'm only there part time, so I don't see her every day). After a few months we exchanged phone numbers and she texts me a lot. Often times its about work stuff (like how annoying the boss is being, etc). But it's also often about non-work issues. She likes to text me when she's bored or not feeling well, etc.. She also has a very good memory and remembers everything I tell her about myself.

    I went out with her a few times, but neither time was it officially a date. We just went to see a movie together once. And another time we went to get drinks together at a bar and talked about a lot of stuff. I can tell she likes hanging out with me. Both times we hung out I wanted to make some kind of move on her, but I just don't know how to do it. I'm afraid that if I make a move and it turns out that's not what she has in mind, that it'll be awkward having to be at work with her. Though if it is what she has in mind, then I have a feeling that she would find it fun to have this secret between us that nobody else knows about at work.

    Like I said, I'm really attracted to her, and would love to hook up with her. But I just don't know how to bridge the gap between "hanging out" with her and doing more with her. Last time we hung out I just said bye to her and it felt awkward not kissing her because it felt like a date, even though neither one of us ever explicitly suggested that it be one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Well, it seems like she duz wanna be close and real compfy with you. But, why do u wanna hqve to ask her out? Just keep doing what ur doing and when cupid hits at d right moment.. ull get together.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Do you flirt with her? Start there. If she doesn't flirt back, then she's probably not into it.

    ...I guess that's not the greatest advice to give someone who has trouble reading women, so uh, here's the Wikipedia entry on flirting: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flirting]Flirting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    "She likes to text me when she's bored or not feeling well, etc.. She also has a very good memory and remembers everything I tell her about myself."
    "I can tell she likes hanging out with me."

    That's good, and also most of this communication was initiated by her . . . you should continue on with this and escalate intimacy
    You post, you ask questions, you give facts --> I reply, I give quotations, I have opinions

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