I personally did not know about the whole decimal thing, well now that you mention it it rings a bell but im just not good in math at all or doing figures im my head or any of that. Shoot some vocab at me or something and im good to go. But i do have my phone caluclator out for a tip. I seriously belive that everyone is good at something and i feel that its important to be on the same level as your partner to some degree. Its important to be able to hold a conversation with your significant other, but if kenny is gonna sit there and talk to me about freaking php and all this computer stuff all that i can offer for the time being is a good listening ear, now if i turn that table and say some crazy medical term to him it will be the same and he will offer and ear to me too.
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone"
People change and forget to tell each other.