She has become obsessed with the idea that she will be 60 and not lived life to the full. She and i have both done dancing classes before but she is much more into it than me. She says this is a way for her to do exciting things and take risks. I dont feel she should be sharing her body with the public, she has a busy degree to do and taking more time out to do things like this means ultimately i get to spend less time with her. I love her so much but she hasnt considered how this will affect me and only thought of herself. I dont want to leave her but this is making me unhappy...Anyone else had a similar experience? Do i have a right to feel threatened and upset? I have been with her for about a year and 3 months
Im going to see her tommorow, im not sure exactly what i should say, i just dont know how i feel, i dont like the sought of blokes that go to these places and watch girls, and yet she wants to go and be one.