haha shammi, your posts here made me laugh. i wasn't supposed to laugh, was i?
They called us a dead generation,
They told us that we wouldn't survive
They left us alone in the maelstrom
As you can see we're all clearly alive.
Actually, female bats go down on the males to turn them on!
cheese? what do you mean. i guess i do. hahaa.
Toot Toot. Love Me, Kiss Me, Touch Me.
I'm uncut. When I masturbate, I definitely do NOT stroke the whole penis. Just where the head connects to the shaft. And I don't pull the skin back either. I don't understand how it's possible to masturbate withOUT foreskin.. haha. I just grab it and move up and down and the skin goes with it I guess. Doesn't hurt at all before, during or after, thank god
^ I imagine sex to be so hard with a uncut dick, do you guys even feel the sexual sensation to the whole penis??? For a cut dick the sensation is all over the the penis, it feels so good