I recently just got married- have been married a month now and my husband owns his own business which I am currently helping with but not sure if I should continue or why he ask me to work with him in the first place! 6 months ago he had asked me if I was at all interested in being partners with him in his business and said that he wanted to work with me on it as he felt I would really be an aset to things. I spent some time thinking about it and decided that this could be a good thing so I went about with the plans that once we were married we would be working together! It couldn't really happen before that because we were living some distance apart!
My first day in the office- none of his staff knew anything about me working with him on anything- and it has been 2 weeks and still no one really knows what I am doing here! He found an old computer that was full of dust and a keyboard that was literaly moldy for me to use when the rest of his staff is provided with laptops or nice computers. Basically had nothing set up and ready for me to come and start working and just put me off in a corner! He has been giving me jobs to do but only the jobs that all of his other staff have complained about doing- stuffing envelopes, going door to door handing out leaflets, ect. He asks that I wear a suit and heals but wants me to do the cleaning! I am fine with cleaning but let me dress as a cleaner :s
I have asked him about why he hasn't told his staff that we are going to be working together and he basically says he doesn't want to upset them.
When we had originally talked he said that we would both just be earning a bit over minumum wage because he wants to grow the business and invest as mush as possible in getting that to happen- this was a huge pay cut to what I was making before and now that he can't tell his staff that I am working here so I am basically not earning anything! This is ok because he is paying for my phone, the house, says he is going to buy me a car, and everything else but I just want to know what all of his actions mean?
I am more than qualified to be what he had asked me to be- have a BS in Business and Management- but feel he has changed his mind for some reason but when I ask he says he hasn't!
What advice can you give- should I get a new job? what is he thinking, and why is he doing what he is doing?